Beta Alp 200 survives all the competition

2015-03-24 07:10:50 / author: Ben Weir views: 23 / 8379

Beta Alp 200 survives all the competitionFor bike lovers, it is extremely important to know if they can ride off the roads as well. For riding off roads with an equally satisfying performance, the Beta Alp 200 bike manufacturers have provided them with a good design. This bike is light weight yet powerful enough with its 199cc single cylinder engine. It is four stroke, and air cooled as well.Beta Alp 200 survives all the competition

It provides the excellent push-button removal of seats required for the trial bikes. This bike is considered one of the best in the trial bikes and performs well for long journeys. It has a very low maintenance and comparatively, high in delivering the mileage. It comes with a low seat and an electric start. This bike is easy for conversion. The most significant thing is the price and the low maintenance costs associated with it. In overall, this bike survives all the competition in entry level trial bikes.