Nipponia Altiva 125 saves your money

2015-06-22 05:48:24 / author: Ben Weir views: 16 / 5428

Nipponia Altiva 125 saves your money 

If we could characterize this Nipponia Altiva 125 in two words only, it would be ergonomic and economical. And it is enough to know everything about this scooter.

Nipponia Altiva 125 saves your money 

The Nipponia Altiva 125 is a scooter from 2009. It handles incredibly well on the city streets. The Nipponia Altiva 125 is compact and ergonomical so that plenty of new riders love the way it handles and rides. It is incredibly effortless to use, and that is what makes it so popular among the customers. It can go up to 50 miles per hour and is great to drive throughout the city and on much smaller highways.

The Nipponia Altiva 125 features a single disc, front brakes and rear expanding, drum brakes. It has a single cylinder, four-stroke engine with belt transmission. It has an electric and kick starter and has a horsepower of 6.97 at 7,500 RPMs. It is available in red, silver, and black paint-coat. This scooter is very popular with riders because it is also very easy to customize. It is the perfect addition to anyone’s already vast collection.