Enfield 350 Bullet Deluxe - A Silver Enfield Bullet

2015-06-07 19:28:18 / author: Ben Weir views: 24 / 13009

Enfield 350 Bullet Deluxe - A Silver Enfield Bullet 

The Enfield 350 Bullet Deluxe is one of the most popular motorcycles around; that is why one can tell about a "silver bullet" of the Enfield. It has such a classic look and feel to it and is very popular among riders and collectors.

Enfield 350 Bullet Deluxe - A Silver Enfield Bullet

These bikes have that spirit of the classic rocker and Hollywood bikes of days past, and they are very popular among "hardcore" rock stars today. They are easy to handle, but not really made for the newer riders. These bikes have a lot of power behind them and should be ridden by those who are well aware of how they handle.

The Enfield 350 Bullet Deluxe features a single cylinder, four-stroke engine with a kick starter. The clutch is a wet, multi-plate, and the wheelbase is 1370mm. The bike comes in black, but with any of these bikes, they can be customized by professionals to add some more personality to the bike’s overall look and feel. This bike runs up to $10,000 and is a great addition to any well worth rider’s collection.