MuZ TS 125 imposing in form

2015-06-21 05:18:01 / author: Ben Weir views: 1 / 6769

 MuZ TS 125 imposing in form 

The MuZ TS 125 is a very classic bike that was first made and sold in 1981. This bike handles incredibly easy, and a lot of the skillful riders really like the way it rides and handles.

 MuZ TS 125 imposing in form

The MuZ TS 125 has a single cylinder, two-stroke engine with a four-speed chain transmission. The MuZ TS 125 has a horsepower of 10 at 6,330 RPMs and can be a valuable getting to any riders’ garage.

The MuZ TS 125 has a three gallon tank and can go up to 62.1 miles per hour. This bike is quite sporty and retro, and it can make anyone feel as if they are riding a bike from one of the old movies. With custom colors and designs, these bikes look and feel like the perfect classic ride. Valued at anywhere from $9,500 to $12,000, this bike is a solid addition to any bike lover’s collection.