MV Agusta Brutale improving efficiency

2015-06-21 12:32:54 / author: Ben Weir views: 15 / 6790

MV Agusta Brutale improving efficiency 

The fans of brutal Italian bikes would surely love this MV Agusta Brutale - just look at the brand name!

MV Agusta Brutale improving efficiency

The MV Agusta Brutale is a naked bike from 2013. The MV Agusta Brutale is valued at $11,998 and a liquid-cooled, four-stroke engine. The MV Agusta Brutale has a horsepower of 125 at 11,600 RPMs. It has a six-speed, chain transmission with a wet, multi-plate clutch. The front brakes are double floating with rear brakes being single steel disc.

The MV Agusta Brutale has a wheelbase of 54.33 inches and is incredibly fun to ride. It has very easy handling and riders of any age love to ride it. The MV Agusta Brutale handles well on any city streets and can even be ridden on some of the smaller highways. With speeds up to 72.5 miles per hour, it has grown very popular all over the world. The basic colors of this bike are black and red, but depending on the rider’s tastes, it can be changed or fully customized to suit their needs.