Cheetah Trike Chopper ensures the rider

2015-03-24 03:33:11 / author: Ben Weir views: 25 / 7927

Cheetah Trike Chopper ensures the riderThe Cheetah Trike Chopper is a three wheeler motorcycle produced and manufactured since 1974. It is famous for its three-wheeler style of riding. The motorcycle has an amazing performance, and steering is heaven as it’s quite easy for the riders to control it. The motorcycle came out really good for the makers as the popularity kept on increasing because of its performance and features.Cheetah Trike Chopper ensures the rider

The Motorcycle is priced at $29000. The price went a bit higher than expected because of the features and elegance provided. The only drawback of the motorcycle is, its fuel storage capacity is 11 litres. Which is quite a bit low but both useful and breathtaking features covers it totally? Its engine is V8, four strokes and has a few colour options including red. The Cheetah Trike Chopper really ensures its riders, a safe and joyful experience with an amazing body which looks truly superb.