E-Max 100L reveals the electric power

2015-06-07 14:42:51 / author: Ben Weir views: 12 / 5338

E-Max 100L reveals the electric power 

The E-Max 100L is a great scooter for those young riders or just fans of bikes, in general. Most of these models were made in the middle 2000’s around 2008 to 2010, but some are still being made and sold around the world.

E-Max 100L reveals the electric power

This scooter has an electric engine and can go up to about 37.3 miles per hour. There is no clutch or transmission, but that does not mean that this bike doesn’t give quite the smooth ride.

The E-Max 100L features an electric starter and can be purchased in many different colors such as blue, black, gray, white, yellow, and red. These scooters can also be customized with graphics and assorted designs to fit the personality of the owner better. These bikes are made mostly for city street riding because of their low speed. They sell anywhere from $1,500 to $3,000 and are a great starter bike for those new riders.