Nestling close to the Erik Buell Racing 1125R DSB - that is how they race!

2015-06-08 01:18:42 / author: Ben Weir views: 15 / 4652

Nestling close to the Erik Buell Racing 1125R DSB - that is how they race! 

The Erik Buell Racing 1125R DSB is one of the most popular in the bike racing world. With a price tag of $15,900, this bike is not cheap, it cannot be denied. However, it will show all of your friends (or rivals, why not!) how fast and well it handles.

Nestling close to the Erik Buell Racing 1125R DSB - that is how they race!

This expensive monster can go to speed up to 75.5 miles per hour and was heavily produced in 2011, but there are still models of it being made and sold today all over the world.

The Erik Buell Racing 1125R DSB has a V2, four-stroke engine with chain transmission. The wheelbase is 55.1 inches, and it has 140 horsepower at 10,800 RPMs. These bikes can be bought in colors such as black, silver, and red and are great for street racing. The handling of these bikes is one of the best on the market for racing bikes. These bikes are great for veteran riders and make quite the stunning addition to anyone’s collection. If you have enough money for it, of course!