Derbi Senda R DRD Pro gallery
Derbi Senda R DRD Pro
Here you can meet all the model years of Derbi Senda R DRD Pro. You can choose any of them to view its photos and more detailed technical specifications. If you don’t find your favourite model here – please, feel free to contact us and we will add it.
Total:1 Models
- The way we like to ride the Moto Gima Classic 2015-03-30 03:21:41 A vibrant color and an awesome look, what does it mean? Only one - we deal with the Moto Gima Classic! Moto Gima Classic model is a classic (sorry for my tautology!) bike from 2010. It features... Read more...
- Montesa Cota 315 R, a low-hanging fruit 2015-03-30 03:14:31 The Montesa Cota 315 R is a trial bike from 2001. It was very popular among many different split-levelled riders. The young riders love it because of how little effort is required to handle and how easy... Read more...
- Go wild on the track with Mondial Piega 1000 2015-03-30 03:09:04 Riders go wild with this model, and it is quite understandable! The Mondial Piega 1000 is a bike from 2002 that is not only sporty, but very sleek and refined model. Young riders love this awesome bike... Read more...
- Modenas Ceria 100 explains the vibrant colors 2015-03-30 03:03:32 Modenas sounds like Modernity, and that's quite true in this case. The Modenas Ceria 100 is a scooter from 2011. IT has a single cylinder, four-stroke engine and an automatic, belt transmission. The Modenas Ceria 100 has... Read more...