Jialing Sport gallery
Jialing Sport
We have carefully gathered the information about all well-known motorcycles of the brand Jialing in the Sport category here. Some excellent photos and detailed technical specifications of them are enclosed. You can select either the model year or the required model in the list.
Total:4 Models
- The powerful Jialing JH 125 E bike 2015-03-23 15:43:44 Jialing JH 125 E is a decent looking customizable bike featuring a 124 cc engine. The engine is a single-cylinder four-stroke engine whose braking system includes the front single disc and rear expanding braking system. The body has► Read more...
- A Naked bike of Midual Roadster 900 2015-03-30 02:41:57 The Midual Roadster 900 is considered a naked bike. It was first produced and manufactured in 2000 and is still being sold all over the world right now. Many experienced riders like the "overcooled" look of this bike... Read more...
- Metisse Desert Racer by Steve The King McQueen 2015-03-30 02:37:14 The Metisse Desert Racer is one of the most classic looking bikes on the market today. It began to be produced and manufactured in 2012 and is still incredibly popular among veteran riders and even newer riders. ... Read more...
- The European leader, Megelli 125 m 2015-03-30 02:32:46 The Megelli 125 m was first produced in 2013. It is one of the leading bikes being produced and sold in Europe. The Megelli 125 m is considered a supermotard and has a single cylinder, two-stroke engine.... Read more...