The old-school custom Flyrite Choppers Bobber draws all the eyes!

2015-06-10 23:05:30 / author: Ben Weir views: 12 / 13236

The old-school custom Flyrite Choppers Bobber draws all the eyes! 

The Flyrite Choppers Bobber is a great custom chopper to get that old school, biker look and feel.

The old-school custom Flyrite Choppers Bobber draws all the eyes!

Valued at $16,999 to $20,000, these custom choppers began to be produced in 2010 and most of them are still produced today. They are a great addition to veteran riders and collectors arsenal of motorcycles. This chopper is made for those who really know how to handle a big motorcycle.

The Flyrite Choppers Bobber has a V2, four-stroke engine, and an electric single, fire ignition. It features a chain transmission and is about 91 inches in length. This motorcycle can go up to 112 miles per hour, and the way it handles is just amazing! The standard color is black, but riders can also customize it to suit their own likes and personality. When looking for a manly motorcycle, many riders choose this one. It is the perfect addition to anyone’s collection, young or old.