Minsk 12 - proven over time

2015-06-18 04:12:21 / author: Ben Weir views: 1 / 4864

Minsk 12 - proven over time 

The Minsk 12 is a great bike if you are looking for a vintage, naked bike. This bike was first produced and manufactured in Belarus and many older models are still being sold, but this model is not being produced any longer. That's a pity!

Minsk 12 - proven over time
The Minsk 12 is a bike that has great handling and is great for new riders who are just now beginning to ride and for the veteran riders who really like the spirit and feel of a naked bike. This bike is great for those who love to customize their bikes and change the look of it all together. These bikes are easy to modify and look great in many colors.

The Minsk 12 has a single cylinder, two-stroke engine with 10 horsepower. It has a four-speed, chain transmission and is a great buy for any riders fond of bikes that go up to 65.5 miles per hour. Don't forget its awfully low price! Valued at $3,200 to $5,500, the Minsk 12 is a great find for any lovers of riding.