Zongshen 110-9 looking like a predator

2015-06-12 07:34:43 / author: Stacey Lexus views: 8 / 6442

Zongshen 110-9 looking like a predator 

Motorcycles to feel and ride equally well in the city and in the countryside, belong to a class of universals or all-round motorcycles as well.

Zongshen 110-9 looking like a predator

As a rule, this group consists of inexpensive and unpretentious motorcycles, perfect for the city riding or spontaneous nature trips. Naturally, these models are always in high demand, so manufacturers try to fill this market niche with new, advanced vehicles timely and in full.

The Zongshen suggested to the customers a new model of the bike from this class, Zongshen 110-9. Its compact dimensions (length less than 2 m and the width a little more than half a meter) allow it to maneuver and easy move around in the city, but they will not let it get lost on the wide dirt trail. The maximum speed of 85 kmph is the best option for the green driver, without endangering his life, and never be forced him to run slowly in the outside lane for traffic.