Roxon P-ONE 10/10 makes your city ride much easier

2015-06-09 23:01:28 / author: Stacey Lexus views: 2 / 7103

Roxon P-ONE 10/10 makes your city ride much easier 

From the moment they were created, motorcycles always attracted thousands and thousands of thrill-seekers, adrenaline and headwind junkies.

Roxon P-ONE 10/10 makes your city ride much easier

Today the bike is not necessarily a wild horse that will take you on the highway at breakneck speed. Often they are bought for everyday and convenient riding because it is almost impossible to drive a car without traffic problems in the modern cities. In such cases, a perfect solution could become a Roxon P-ONE 10/10 minibike.

Choosing this model of Roxon, you will get a comfortable ride in all conditions and without much cost. It weighs a little more than 30 kg, and therefore you should not fear a huge machine, which even impossible to hold in the hands. Automatic transmission will allow quick and agile to respond to the situation on the road. Roxon P-ONE 10/10 has only a 1-cylinder engine with a displacement of 49 CC, so you should not worry that this vehicle will ''eat up'' the whole budget.