Rich color options for CPI Hussar

2015-06-03 10:24:17 / author: Ben Weir views: 26 / 8322

Rich color options for CPI Hussar  

For those fans of the sporty scooters, the CPI Hussar is one of the best choices. These scooters are made for any caliber of rider and offer not only a smooth, but fast ride for those bike enthusiasts.

Rich color options for CPI Hussar

These scooters have been made and manufactured since the early 2000’s and continue to be produced. The CPI Hussar features a single cylinder, two-stroke engine and single disc brakes. These bikes can be bought in custom colors and with custom designs or will come standard in yellow, black, gray, red, and blue. The color options are a great feature of the CPI Hussar.

The pricing on these bikes can vary based on all of the accessories that are included. The basic pricing on the CPI Hussar runs from $5,000 to $9,000. These scooters can be made custom for the rider’s style and body choice. These bikes can go up to 95 miles an hour and are a great addition to any rider’s collection.