Orion A30E125M, a bright star

2015-06-22 16:02:26 / author: Ben Weir views: 1 / 4681

Orion A30E125M, a bright star 

The Orion A30E125M is an Enduro, off road bike that was produced and manufactured in 2008. The Orion A30E125M is one of the most popular among dirt track and bike racers. 

Orion A30E125M, a bright star

It features a single cylinder, four-stroke engine with a five-speed transmission. It has an automatic clutch with single disc front and rear brakes. The Orion A30E125M is quite popular with the younger racers because of the weight and a general feel of easy-to-ride of it. It handles incredibly well and is quite reliable for new riders.

The Orion A30E125M is 74 inches in length and has a wheelbase of 47.2 inches. It features an electric and kick starter and was sold in quite a few colors when it was first produced. The most popular colors are green, yellow, pink, the carbon look, orange, and white. This bike is valued at anywhere from $7,500 to $12,000 depending on the additions that have been added to it to help it race much better.