Extremely rare Lambretta Due 50

2015-03-24 02:41:19 / author: Ben Weir views: 14 / 5620

Extremely rare Lambretta Due 50 

It is indeed extremely rare to find such features in any 50 cc scooter that you can find in the Lambretta Due 50. These features make the scooter special for each owner who wants to own something that is special. So if you begin to think about getting a stylish and dynamic scooter for yourself, then here is the scooter to look out for.

Extremely rare Lambretta Due 50
This scooter has a displacement of 49.3 cc and a single cylinder two-stroke engine with an air cooling system. There are an automatic gearbox and a belt transmission. The top speed that you can get while riding this scooter is 30 mph. Those of you who want more spaces in their scooter it is ideal for them. The scooter offers under seat carrying option as well as storage box and optional rear rack.

You would get both electric and kick start for the Lambretta Due 50 scooter and the color options that are available include black, pink, silver, and orange.