Convenience and Power means Ridley Auto-Glide Chopper

2015-06-26 03:56:46 / author: Ben Weir views: 1 / 4878

Convenience and Power means Ridley Auto-Glide Chopper 

The Ridley Auto-Glide Chopper is considered to be an auto-glider classic bike and was first manufactured in 2009. The Ridley Auto-Glide Chopper is unexpectedly simple to handle and many of the green unexperienced riders consider it as a stunning example of learning how to drive on this bike. 

Convenience and Power means Ridley Auto-Glide Chopper

Veterans love this bike because it looks extremely refined and outstanding when they are driving it down the city streets. It features a V-twin engine and an electric starter.

The Ridley Auto-Glide Chopper has an automatic transmission and a wheelbase of 66 inches. The front and rear brakes on the Ridley Auto-Glide Chopper are both single disc brakes. The gas tank is 4.20 gallons and is valued at $18,600 and can go up to speeds of 82.5 miles per hour. It originally was produced in black, red, white, and silver and can be easily changed and customized for the rider’s needs and personal wants.