Veli ZQ 150-4 II gallery
Veli ZQ 150-4 II
Here you can meet all the model years of Veli ZQ 150-4 II. You can choose any of them to view its photos and more detailed technical specifications. If you don’t find your favourite model here – please, feel free to contact us and we will add it.
Total:1 Models
Veli 125 T-2: a middle-class scooter 2015-03-31 03:35:19 The "scooter" term refers to vehicles that are included in a subclass of motorcycles with distinctive design features. The main purpose of scooter rentals is travel for short distances. According to the purpose, they have special, more► Read more...
The customized Izuka C150 2015-03-23 15:38:00 This bike is a model of the year 2008 by the Mexican bike manufacturers Izuka. This bike carries a 149 cc single-cylinder four-stroke engine with air cooling system. The body weighs about 140 kg when dry. The Izuka... Read more...
Lehman Trikes Crossbow redefining the concept of luxury touring trike 2015-03-23 22:10:39 If you are looking for a luxury trike which is a real attention getter for you, then you can go for the Lehman Trikes Crossbow. It is a trike that is indeed a real crowd pleaser and has... Read more...
Riding experience with the Boom Trikes Classic Chopper 2015-03-18 18:18:32 This bike gives a powerful riding experience with its powerful 1584 cc engine. The Boom Trikes Classic Chopper has a 4 stroke engine with four-cylinder boxer. The design is equally admired by women drivers. It can even attain... Read more...