Motobi Unspecified category gallery
Motobi Unspecified category
We have carefully gathered the information about all well-known motorcycles of the brand Motobi in the Unspecified category category here. Some excellent photos and detailed technical specifications of them are enclosed. You can select either the model year or the required model in the list.
Total:4 Models
- A plain design plus simple colours defining the Motobi 254 2015-03-30 03:56:10 The Motobi 254 is a classic bike from the early to late 1990’s. Featuring a simple design and plain colors, it was considered to be one of the design predecessors of such bike giants as Benelli or Moto► Read more...
- Alfer VR 250, a Spanish off-roader 2015-03-18 15:39:26 The Alfer VR 250 is made by a Spanish manufacturer and is considered one of the best off-road, dirt bikes on the market right now. It is very popular among new riders due to the easy control that... Read more...
- Fallen in Love with Boss Hoss BHC-3 ZZ4 2015-03-18 18:26:59 If you have fallen in love with the handsome hunks of the kingdom of biking, then this isn't rocket science that you will not be able to ignore the charm of Boss Hoss BHC-3 ZZ4. This bike is... Read more...
- American Eagle Raptor beats the limits 2015-03-18 16:23:25 One of the most frenzied motorcycles on the market is the American Eagle Raptor. It has been featured on many different motorcycle television shows and is very popular among collectors and riders alike. The American Eagle Raptor... Read more...