Choosing a sporting Dafra Speed 150, you should know this!

2015-06-04 21:55:57 / author: Ben Weir views: 11 / 5447

Choosing a sporting Dafra Speed 150, you should know this! 

For fans of sporting bikes and dirt track racing, the Dafra Speed 150 is one of the best bikes on the market today.

Choosing a sporting Dafra Speed 150, you should know this!

These bikes have been made and manufactured for quite a few decades. The Dafra Speed 150 is made by a Brazilian bike producer and has become incredibly popular all over the world. It features a single cylinder, four-stroke engine with five-speed transmission. The Dafra Speed 150 also features an electric and kick starter and has 13.20 horsepower at 7,700 RPMs.

This bike is not only great for new riders, but a lot of veteran riders love it as well. With many different colors to choose from, red, blue, black, and yellow, these bikes are trendy and appeal to riders and collectors of all ages. They can go up to 60 miles per hour and the prices vary from $3,500 to $5,000. These bikes are such a great addition to anyone’s collection.