A flying-shaped motard of Quantya Strada

2015-06-25 12:21:00 / author: Ben Weir views: 27 / 5039

A flying-shaped motard of Quantya Strada 

The Quantya Strada is a supermotard that was made in 2011. It is priced at $10,700 and can go up to $15,000 depending on all the changes and modifications added to the frame.

A flying-shaped motard of Quantya Strada

The Quantya Strada has an electric engine and horsepower of 11.40. It can go up to 55 miles per hour which makes it a great ride for city streets. It is absurdly simple for a new rider to learn on this type of bike because it handles incredibly well and has powerful but easily controllable brakes.

The Quantya Strada has a one-speed, chain transmission and an adjustable seat. It features single disc front and rear brakes and an electric starter. It has a wheelbase of 51.6 inches and is very comfortable and safe for any riders. It is available in white, black, and red and riders can make any custom changes to it to make it look like something from the old bikers movies.