A Czech-made FGR Midalu 2500 concept

2015-06-10 13:58:42 / author: Ben Weir views: 1 / 6546

A Czech-made FGR Midalu 2500 concept 

Rarely but right on target: a Czech FGR Midalu 2500 looks awesome and really jaw-dropping now!

A Czech-made FGR Midalu 2500 concept

From the Czech made producer, the FGR Midalu 2500 is a prototype/concept model bike. This bike came out for the first time in 2012 and is still in production today. It has been sold in the whole world and has gained a lot of popularity for its looks and the great way that it handles. This bike can be bought in many different colors such as white, black, and silver and modifications can be added to change the color scheme or design of the bike.

The FGR Midalu 2500 has an electric starter with a V6, four-stroke engine, and liquid cooling. The wheelbase is 60.1 inches and it is one of the easiest bikes to learn how to ride on. Collectors and riders alike will love the look and feel of this bike. It is a great bike to add to anyone’s collection and a smooth and easy ride.